sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013





     To develope a Global Path with 55 art installations in the free air, along 55 different places of the world, on specific sites belonging to different persons or institucions...

...In which, temporally volunteer artists or resident artists from all origins, travelling and working together, with total freedom of transformation action, each one in his own style, inter-acting in each Local Installation and along all of them...  

     Each Double Local Installation , for example "THE SON- THE AIR" consists in a Path-Garden  in form of eight and labyrinth, and a path, biger or smaller in size, but formed always, itself, by  55 Double Stations, as the Local Labirinth and the Global Labyrinth, because in an Holograma the totality of the job repeats in anyone of its parts. 

     Each Local Installation has a fix basical estructure, which defines the contemporary artistic concept of "site specific" of that station, into the Global Path (

... At the same time, each Local Installation is ornated with art objects which are transladed without limits from one to others of its interior stations,existing also construtive materials prepared for facting new resistant to the sun and rain art objects, in order to create continuouslly new enviroments in it. 

...Artistic enviroments which correspond with the free personalization of each labyrinth, for part of the last artist or couple of artists who have worked on it.  

     End Result : 110 continuoslly changing Stations, developed and maintained in concept of "site specific" by the responsivel of each land and his artists visitors, but being linked stations in a global net of colective colaboration. And they permit an interactive and personalized art travel by the world,  along the free air structure of a big fix, significant and intercontinental installation, of colective and holographic art. 

     Original idea and first coordination- Manuel Costas "Castelin", ( Spanish plastic artist and writer, 63 years old in 2013 (resident in Brazil, São Thomé das Letras, Minas Gerais, where he is building the first Station). 
      Manuel Castelin is offering:

1 - The project and the first direction of the linked building of the 55 Double basic Stations or holo-unities, holographic repetitions of the global structure, a labyrinthic path in form of 8, adapted to the character of each land, if it is possible, with panoramic views, crossed by water courses, native forests and rocks.

2 - The supervision of the collective construction of the basic local and intercontinental structure and its installations during the 7 first years: between 2014-2021.

3 -
The confection and donation to the Global Labirinth Foundation of a first Archive of 110 pictures for the Traveller Pinacotheque of the Global Path. And 110 iron-ciment sculptures, reparting each one of these two jobs along the 110 Local Installations of the Global Path, for starting to give them character

4 - 
The donation, in each Local Installation, of three literary jobs, which  are  explaining and justificating the Global Path and everyone of its Stations.

The direction of a holographic creativity net in internet, having like matrice center the model of the first Global Path of 110 Stations.

The divulgation of the project, attracting new artist collaborators, investors, pupils and patrocinators, realizing seminaries and installations of the Personalized Labyrinth in different exhibition spaces along the world.

7-   And the preparation of possible successors for coordenating the continuity of artistic evolution and sustainable maintenance of the Global Path and each one of its Local Instalations, in base to sustitute the empty spaces that are being produced, receiving visitors, giving instruction, developing and divulging art production and attending clients orders.

     Each one of the 110 Stations are Holo-unities that repeat the structure of the total and Generic Labirinth, but in a smaller size: 16 m axis, the commom stations, and 32 m axis the Archetypic ones.

     So, every station is a complete labyrinthic path, with 110 stations into itself, The Coordinator will provide a meaning to the station and the first sculpture that presides it, creating a unity of style for the totality of the park,

     But after, every artist who was selected for directing the work in one specific holo-unity or Station, transform it in a personal space, using freely his own style, and representing with jobs of art his own walking by the path of the life in that Station, which becomes his own “Personalized Labyrinth”.

     So, we will get a collective art history in a big fee air installation which contains other 110 spaces for smaller permanent or fix installations which contains material expressions of artistic self-biographies.

     Because, all job of art is quite self-biographic, but a Personalized Labirinth is the expression of the more intense moments of the life of a person, artistically resalted for himself, along cycles of 7 years.


     We pretend to become the Creativity Park  in a big museum of installations where all the artistic medias may be presence. The visitors will walk from one to other, in a travel by the Country of the Art, along 110 stations surrounded of nature, with the possibility to have a bath or a lunch, or a nap under the trees, or dancing, or being involved in a theater adventure, or to take part in more fun or more deep creative actions, in different points of the way.

     When visitors leave and speak to other persons about their experience in the Park, they not only will show souvenirs that they carried from there, but specially, the creative jobs that themselves realized there. This will be our better publicity.

     The best experience of walking the Labirinth has to be the creation of a job of art and a conscienciation about the synthesis and sense of his own life, for every visitor, a Pilgrimage to the personal Interior, surrounded by the mirrors of the pilgrimage of other persons.

     We shall stimulate, parting from this model, the permanent and renovated creation of diversified spaces of personal creativity, into or outside of the Park.

     We shall instruct and facilitate, and until shall accept orders for the building of the basic structure of many Personalized Labyrinths (in the gardens of particular city houses or in more extended rural spaces) to the interested persons in this idea, moreover, from our center, we are going to create a virtual structure of membership, looking for keeping all of the spontaneous unities linked by a mutual and more extended holographic net of cooperation and divulgation.


    We consider that this kind of job respect, at the same time, all the potential of the free and individual creativity, and facilitates the one of the collective creation nets, that corresponds to the spirit of our contemporary time, 2013, beginning the 2nd decade of 21 Century.

First Installation, realized in São Thomé das Letras, MG, Brazil

Next Stations in different countries of the world will be suggested, first virtually in this same blog, and after officially established, between the first persons or institutions dispossed to create them on a land, when they solicite membership in the GLOBAL LABYRINTH ART NET, writting to e-mail


Telephones in Brazil: TIM 35-15122737 and 35-92411431

Manuel Costas “Castelin”



(How to build an artistic installation as a tool for reflection and synthesis about the meaning of the own life)

   "This labyrinth -said the Instructor-, is an art installation inspired in the ancient labyrinths of many ancestral cultures. It serves for going very deep in the remembering and knowing of the main facts that influenced the direction of the personal way of life of the person who is interacting with it.”

     “Art is the sensible exteriorization of the inner perceptions of a person, which become compression for him and for the others being expressed. The Labyrinth is Art, and you can not simply to walk along its path thinking or meditating, no, you have to interact expressing your perceptions it in a creative, artistic way”
     “ Your creative action gives an order, a form and a intuitive signification to the unclear feelings and thinkings of your inconscient”.
     “When you work , in a sensible way, for expressing formally the unexpressed, you are discovering, assimilating, personalizing, concreting and making yours, with pleasure for your intelligence, the unconcreted concepts that moved caotically before into the more deeper and nebulous dimension of your mind.”

The End of the World  Labyrinth

     “Art is one of the four faces of the Wisdom Pyramid, the other three are Science, Philosophy and Religion, our Ancestors said that the four faces looks like very different at the Pyramid base, but, arriving to the top, all of them become one. They named “Alquimia” to the synthesis of the four knowledge ways,”
     “Knowledge means information acquired using methods or techniques. Wisdom about the own life requires to get information, but it is not enough, that information must be acquired by own experience, by evidence, working in it, cultiving it, by deep feeling and reflection about your inner walking trough your own way on the life, interacting creatively with it. Did you understood all this, traveler?-
     -“ I think yes –replied the Artist- the last phrases that you pronounced express very well my own concept about the sense and function of Art.” 
     -“Very well- said the Guardian of the Labyrinth of the End of The World-  If you have understood these concept, let´s speak about how is this specific art installation that pretends to represent, in a reduced surface, the long extension of the experience of your way of life on this big planet:

     “Your personalized Labyrinth may be a path of spirals in form of an eight, surrounded for a garden that you have to cultivate for alimenting yourself while you are building it, artisticed with more or less rustic sculptures that yourself are going to made freely, to your own way and style, crossed by the water courses which you find over this site and ornated by all the trees, fruits and flowers that you found here, and for all the ones that you want to plant.”

     “The Labyrinth is as the Life –said the Instructor smiling- you find in front of your life way a land and natural elements over it, and you have to create a material order of them, a system for alimenting yourself, for living there, for lodging there… and you have to create also a mental organization, for personalizing your space and for surrounding yourself of natural and artificial comfort, signification and beauty, according to the personal demands of your sensibility.”
     “There are many possible options of expression, but you have to chose, intuitively, one of them, only one, and to use it well until the end, without vacillation, without doubts, without stopping the movement of your creative action. If you have to correct or precise something, correct and precise it into the flowing of your expressive improvised movement.”
     “But do not stop the flow of creative wave, do not go out of the game, do not try to start again, go on in front all the time, from the dark to the light, for do not lose the force of your discovering impulse, for do not pollute your  intuitions with an excess of rationalitation”.  
     “Do not doubt never that your Self Knows and knows how to do for expressing in the best possible way the things that it knows. This faith in your inner Creator draws a firm, convinced, significant and graceful way of expression and makes the difference between the bad and the good art.”
      “But all begins for preparing a support, a container, a platform  for your expression movements. The first, so, is the basic installation, traveler”.
     “When it is basically, materially installed, walking this path is going to serve you for reconsidering intuitively the successive stages of your life way, specially the ones in which you gathered power and decision to go in search of the realization of your main objectives... and for meditating about why you got or did not get realizing it.

      “With this creative reflection and meditation trough the creative action, you are going to remember clearly, along each period of seven years of your life, what were the ways in which you had proceed, within your own actions, which carried you to the success or failure of your main objectives of that period ... or, more specifically, what empties your strength, just when you need more to use it well."



Manuel Costas "Castelin"

Telephone in Brasil: TIM 35-91333847