sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013



(How to build an artistic installation as a tool for reflection and synthesis about the meaning of the own life)

   "This labyrinth -said the Instructor-, is an art installation inspired in the ancient labyrinths of many ancestral cultures. It serves for going very deep in the remembering and knowing of the main facts that influenced the direction of the personal way of life of the person who is interacting with it.”

     “Art is the sensible exteriorization of the inner perceptions of a person, which become compression for him and for the others being expressed. The Labyrinth is Art, and you can not simply to walk along its path thinking or meditating, no, you have to interact expressing your perceptions it in a creative, artistic way”
     “ Your creative action gives an order, a form and a intuitive signification to the unclear feelings and thinkings of your inconscient”.
     “When you work , in a sensible way, for expressing formally the unexpressed, you are discovering, assimilating, personalizing, concreting and making yours, with pleasure for your intelligence, the unconcreted concepts that moved caotically before into the more deeper and nebulous dimension of your mind.”

The End of the World  Labyrinth

     “Art is one of the four faces of the Wisdom Pyramid, the other three are Science, Philosophy and Religion, our Ancestors said that the four faces looks like very different at the Pyramid base, but, arriving to the top, all of them become one. They named “Alquimia” to the synthesis of the four knowledge ways,”
     “Knowledge means information acquired using methods or techniques. Wisdom about the own life requires to get information, but it is not enough, that information must be acquired by own experience, by evidence, working in it, cultiving it, by deep feeling and reflection about your inner walking trough your own way on the life, interacting creatively with it. Did you understood all this, traveler?-
     -“ I think yes –replied the Artist- the last phrases that you pronounced express very well my own concept about the sense and function of Art.” 
     -“Very well- said the Guardian of the Labyrinth of the End of The World-  If you have understood these concept, let´s speak about how is this specific art installation that pretends to represent, in a reduced surface, the long extension of the experience of your way of life on this big planet:

     “Your personalized Labyrinth may be a path of spirals in form of an eight, surrounded for a garden that you have to cultivate for alimenting yourself while you are building it, artisticed with more or less rustic sculptures that yourself are going to made freely, to your own way and style, crossed by the water courses which you find over this site and ornated by all the trees, fruits and flowers that you found here, and for all the ones that you want to plant.”

     “The Labyrinth is as the Life –said the Instructor smiling- you find in front of your life way a land and natural elements over it, and you have to create a material order of them, a system for alimenting yourself, for living there, for lodging there… and you have to create also a mental organization, for personalizing your space and for surrounding yourself of natural and artificial comfort, signification and beauty, according to the personal demands of your sensibility.”
     “There are many possible options of expression, but you have to chose, intuitively, one of them, only one, and to use it well until the end, without vacillation, without doubts, without stopping the movement of your creative action. If you have to correct or precise something, correct and precise it into the flowing of your expressive improvised movement.”
     “But do not stop the flow of creative wave, do not go out of the game, do not try to start again, go on in front all the time, from the dark to the light, for do not lose the force of your discovering impulse, for do not pollute your  intuitions with an excess of rationalitation”.  
     “Do not doubt never that your Self Knows and knows how to do for expressing in the best possible way the things that it knows. This faith in your inner Creator draws a firm, convinced, significant and graceful way of expression and makes the difference between the bad and the good art.”
      “But all begins for preparing a support, a container, a platform  for your expression movements. The first, so, is the basic installation, traveler”.
     “When it is basically, materially installed, walking this path is going to serve you for reconsidering intuitively the successive stages of your life way, specially the ones in which you gathered power and decision to go in search of the realization of your main objectives... and for meditating about why you got or did not get realizing it.

      “With this creative reflection and meditation trough the creative action, you are going to remember clearly, along each period of seven years of your life, what were the ways in which you had proceed, within your own actions, which carried you to the success or failure of your main objectives of that period ... or, more specifically, what empties your strength, just when you need more to use it well."



Manuel Costas "Castelin"

Telephone in Brasil: TIM 35-91333847

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